A Palazzo Pirelli incontri e dibattiti su uso etico di AI, dati e privacy Roma, 13 feb. - Valorizzare il ruolo innovativo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale, tenendo conto della necessità di uno sviluppo etico di questa tecnologia: ad accendere i riflettori sul tema è stato l'incontro "Generare per condividere: Dati Sintetici per un uso etico dell'Intelligenza Artificiale" che si è svolto a Milano presso Palazzo Pirelli il 12 febbraio. Promosso in collaborazione con Regione Lombardia e MUR da Aindo - startup nata dalla Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) di Trieste attualmente insediata in Area Science Park nel campus di Padriciano
Press Review
Lombardia, Regione e Aindo insieme per l'intelligenza artificiale
Descubren galaxia invisible con 'truco' de la distorsión del espacio-tiempo descrito por Einstein
Formada 'solo' 2 mil millones años después del 'Big Bang', la galaxia J1135 es tan joven que forma estrellas a una velocidad mil veces mayor que la Vía Láctea. Un grupo de astrónomos de la Escuela Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Italia ( SISSA) que llevó a cabo sondeos al espacio profundo con el radiotelescopio ALMA de Chile pudo identificar, gracias a una lente gravitacional, una galaxia muy remota en el universo al principio de su expansión, cuando tenía la sexta parte del tamaño actual.
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Descubren una galaxia invisible gracias al 'truco' de la distorsión del espacio-tiempo descrito por Einstein
Palabras Claras
Encontrar nuevas galaxias es una tarea ardua. Pero un grupo de investigadores de la Escuela Internacional de Estudios Avanzados (SISSA) afirma haber descubierto una nueva galaxia en un universo relativamente joven, todo gracias a la perdurable teoría de la relatividad de Albert Einstein.
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Descubren galaxia invisible con 'truco' de la distorsión del espacio-tiempo descrito por Einstein
Formada 'solo' 2 mil millones años después del 'Big Bang', la galaxia J1135 es tan joven que forma estrellas a una velocidad mil veces mayor que la Vía Láctea. Un grupo de astrónomos de la Escuela Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Italia ( SISSA) que llevó a cabo sondeos al espacio profundo con el radiotelescopio ALMA de Chile pudo identificar, gracias a una lente gravitacional, una galaxia muy remota en el universo al principio de su expansión, cuando tenía la sexta parte del tamaño actual.
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Peak into an ‘invisible’ galaxy from the young universe
The Print
The object is so dark that it is almost invisible - even to highly sophisticated instruments. Its nature has long been the subject of debate, but by means of surveys made with the ALMA interferometer, researchers from International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Italy were able to gather data.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the big bang is seen for the first time
France Breaking News
The celestial body, which formed two billion years after the Big Bang, has remained elusive due to its distance and being shrouded in interstellar dust, hiding it from view from even the most powerful instruments on Earth. [...] The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissa school, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other 'dark' celestial bodies.
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Amidst dust and stars, see the first image of a hidden galaxy in space
Time News
This celestial body, which was formed two billion years after the Big Bang, remained elusive due to its distance and being surrounded by interstellar dust, which hides it from view even from the most powerful instruments and devices on Earth. A research team from the Sissa Institute for Research and Studies used the ALMA Telescope (Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array) in Chile to capture this wonderful picture, according to the British Daily Mail.
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Descubren una galaxia invisible gracias al 'truco' de la distorsión del espacio-tiempo descrito por Einstein
Rt Sepamas
Un grupo de astrónomos de la Escuela Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Italia (SISSA) que realizó sondeos al espacio profundo con el radiotelescopio ALMA de Chile logró identificar, gracias a una lente gravitacional, una galaxia extremadamente remota en el universo al principio de su expansión, cuando tenía la sexta parte del tamaño actual.
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Astronomers identify mysterious object in young universe as a dark galaxy
Knowledia News (AU)
Astronomers detected a strong gravitational lens, but were surprised as the distant light seemed to be bending around an invisible object The gravitational lens with the dark galaxy at the centre.
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Descubren galaxia 'invisible'utilizando la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein
La Jornada Maya
Usando los telescopios de ALMA en Chile y la teoría de la relatividad de Einstein fue posible observar una joven galaxia en el universo primitivo que es invisible en casi todas las longitudes de onda. [...] Los hallazgos del equipo se publicaron en "Las galaxias muy distantes son verdaderas minas de información sobre la evolución pasada y futura de nuestro universo", profundizó la autora principal, Marika Giulietti, astrofísica de la Escuela Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Italia (SISSA, por sus singlas en inglés).
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AFIND pone a disposición programas de enseñanza de idiomas para niños, jóvenes y adultos
Programas de enseñanza de idiomas para niños en la academia AFIND Según el estudio Cognitive gains in 7-month-old bilingual infants realizado por la Escuela Internacional Superior de Estudios Avanzados de Trieste en Italia (SISSA), cuando un bebé tiene siete meses puede comenzar a diferenciar los distintos idiomas, aun sin comprenderlos.
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Wow, scientists have discovered the invisible galaxy of the universe
Canada Today
Finding new galaxies is a difficult task. But a group of researchers from the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) say they've discovered a new galaxy in a relatively young universe, thanks to Albert Einstein's enduring theory of relativity.
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Misteriosa e lontanissima: alla scoperta della galassia invisibile
Meteo Web
Un oggetto misterioso e lontanissimo finalmente descritto da un'equipe della SISSA. La sua natura è stata a lungo dibattuta ma ora, grazie alle rilevazioni fatte con l'interferometro ALMA , il gruppo di ricerca in formazione ed evoluzione delle galassie della SISSA guidato dal Prof. Andrea Lapi è finalmente riuscito a identificarne le caratteristiche principali.
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'Invisible galaxy' is seen for the first time
Astronomers have captured the first image of an ‘invisible galaxy’ using Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The celestial body, which formed two billion years after the Big Bang, has remained elusive due to its distance and being shrouded in interstellar dust, hiding it from view from even the most powerful instruments on Earth. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissaschool, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other 'dark' celestial bodies.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the big bang is seen for the first time
Astronomers have captured the first image of an ‘invisible galaxy’ using Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissa school, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other ‘dark’ celestial bodies.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the big bang is seen for ...
Astronomers have captured the first image of an 'invisible galaxy' using Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissa school, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other 'dark' celestial bodies.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the big bang is seen for the first time
Astronomers have captured the first image of an ‘invisible galaxy’ using Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissa school, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other ‘dark’ celestial bodies.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the Big Bang is seen for the first time using Albert Einstein's theory of relativity
Daily Mail online
Astronomers have captured the first image of an 'invisible galaxy' using Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. The celestial body, which formed two billion years after the Big Bang, has remained elusive due to its distance and being shrouded in interstellar dust, hiding it from view from even the most powerful instruments on Earth. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissaschool, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other 'dark' celestial bodies.
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Whoa, Scientists Found the Universe's Invisible Galaxy
Eurasia News
But a group of researchers from the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) say they've discovered a new galaxy in a relatively young universe, all thanks to Albert Einstein's enduring theory of relativity. "This was a very special celestial body," Marika Giulietti, who studies astrophysics and cosmology at SISSA, says in a news release.
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'Invisible galaxy' that formed 2 billion years after the Big Bang is seen for the first time using Albert Einstein's theory of relativity
Verified News Explorer Network
Astronomers have captured the first image of an 'invisible galaxy' using Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. The celestial body, which formed two billion years after the Big Bang, has remained elusive due to its distance and being shrouded in interstellar dust, hiding it from view from even the most powerful instruments on Earth. The discovery, made by a research group from the Sissaschool, will help reveal more about this galaxy and indicate new approaches for studying other 'dark' celestial bodies.
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