It is possible to give donations and to support the research and the activities carried out at SISSA. You can donate to a general research fund or to a specific specialty fund or support a specific project.
For further information, please contact:
Valorisation and Innovation Office: valorisation@sissa.it - 040 3787276
An important contribution to research on experimental therapy of Sotos Syndrome.
Sotos Syndrome, a pathology more commonly known as 'cerebral gigantism', affects only one child in 10-50 thousand.
A.S.S.I. Gulliver Associazione Sindrome di Sotos Italia APS accompanies the affected children in their growth and supports their parents. The Association has decided to donate to SISSA Euro 30.000 with the aim of supporting research on an experimental therapy for Sotos Syndrome at the Laboratory of Cerebral Cortex Development, directed by professor Antonello Mallamaci.
Works of art exhibited at SISSA
Triestinian artist Aldo Famà passed away at the end of November 2021. A few months earlier, he donated to SISSA two of his latest studies for sculptures created with avant-garde techniques: made in polyactic acid, the creation process started from a digital model to be then translated into the third dimension.
The works are exhibited in the showcase on the ground floor of the School.
Also SISSA received three paintings created by the artist Luigi Dellatorre as part of his personal project "Ti dono un'opeara", with which he gives his works with liberality to return to the Society. These are exhibited at the IGAP-IFPU headquarters at the SISSA Miramare Campus.
The gold donators for the The Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Natural and Humanistic Sciences (ILAS) dedicated in particular to the Master in Communication of Science
In the last three years the Master in Communication of Science has been able to count on the support of some special donors.
A scholarship is financed every year by the Fondazione Pezcoller awarded to the highest-ranked candidate for admission to the SISSA’s Master’s course in Science Communication. Another scholarship is financed by the SIF - Società Italiana di Farmacologia and two prizes for the best Master's thesis in Communication of Science are financed by SITOX - Società Italiana di Tossicologia, both in memory of the science journalist and alumno Marco Pivato.
In addition, 4 prizes for the best Master's thesis in Communication of Science on topics of Science Policy were established thanks to a donation by professor Maria Chiara Tallacchini. Professor Tallacchini also supported the teaching activities of "Scienza, diritto e democrazia" of the Master in Science Communication and the publication of an editorial product on the same topics.
In 2020 Paolo Giordano, well-known italian writer, made a donation for two annual scholarships, both for the creation of an original and unpublished journalistic data-driven investigation based on the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy. The funds come from the income of the book "Nel contagio" (Einaudi, 2020; in English: "How contagion works", published by Bloomsbury Publishing).
The medal in honor of Franco Lutman turns 10
Each year SISSA receives a donation in memory of Franco Lutman. He and his his wife have always believed in education as a pillar for society, aiming especially at young people.
Thanks to the donation, a prize for the best PhD thesis in Mathematics and a prize for the best Master's thesis in Communication of Science have been awarded to 20 young reserchers.
The support continues from year to year and a special medal was coined for its 10th year.
Adrianostra Association
A.S.S.I. Gulliver Association Sindrome di Sotos Italia APS
Bartolozzi Marco
Bergodaz Rosa
Biarnés Fontal Xevi
Bossolini Giulio
Caracciolo Francesco
Chiaruttini Lidia in memory of Nives Chiaruttini
Calusa Mario
Conti Roberto
Corrado Andrea in memory of Federica Ziller
Dellatorre Luigi
Dondoli Giulia
Famà Aldo
Finotto Gianfelice
Giordano Paolo
La Rocca Alessio
Lutman Moscarda Loredana in memory of Franco Lutman
Mehler Jacques
Pezcoller Fondazione
Picek Marina in memory of Luciana Poli in Picek
SIF - Società Italiana di Farmacologia and SITOX - Società Italiana di Tossicologia in memory of Marco Pivato
Tallachini Maria Chiara in memory of V. Tallachini
Titolo Elvita in memory of Walter Zangrando
Zampirollo Daniela