Press Review

Scientists Hunt Down Mysterious 'Invisible Galaxy' From Early Universe
Verified News Explorer Network

The "invisible galaxy" was revealed through ALMA telescope observations. Marika Giuliette et al. How do you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You break out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics doctoral student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study on an "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists Chase Mysterious 'Invisible Galaxy' From Early Universe
Hitech Glitz

How do you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? They break out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti from the ScuolaInternazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in the Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe
Up My Tech

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe
Tech Street Now

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe
The Shepherd of the Hills Gazette

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Scientists hunt down a mysterious 'invisible galaxy' in the early universe
News Net Daily

How would you describe a galaxy that doesn't want to be seen? You pull out a cosmic magnifying glass. A research team led by astrophysics PhD student Marika Giulietti of the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (Sissa) in Italy published a study of a "very special" galaxy in The Astrophysical Journal this month.

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Un 'oscuro' objeto celestial resulta ser una joven y fertil galaxia
Andalucía Información

Un objeto tan oscuro que resulta casi invisible , incluso para los instrumentos más sofisticados. Su naturaleza ha sido objeto de debate durante mucho tiempo, pero mediante sondeos realizados con el interferómetro ALMA, el grupo de investigación del International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), en Italia, dirigido por el profesor Andrea Lapi, que investiga la formación y evolución de las galaxias, ha logrado finalmente identificar sus principales propiedades. 

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Quanten-Abakus erzeugt Primzahlen

Physicists have constructed a quantum system for the first time that can determine and display prime numbers and other mathematical number sequences. Based on special formulas, this "quantum abacus" generates an optical interference pattern in which, for example, only the prime numbers appear as discrete energy states. According to the team, such quantum systems could open up new possibilities for calculating arithmetic number sequences.

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Galassia invisibile | la scoperta di un team di ricercatori della Sissa di Trieste

Galassia invisibile: la scoperta di un team di ricercatori della Sissa di Trieste. Conoscere le sue caratteristiche potrebbe aiutarci a comprendere meglio l’evoluzione del nostro Universo.

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El misterioso objeto oscuro que es en realidad una galaxia muy muy lejana

Un objeto tan oscuro que resulta casi invisible, i ncluso para los instrumentos más sofisticados. Su naturaleza ha sido objeto de debate durante mucho tiempo, pero mediante sondeos realizados con el interferómetro ALMA, el grupo de investigación del International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), en Italia, dirigido por el profesor Andrea Lapi, que investiga la formación y evolución de las galaxias, ha logrado finalmente identificar sus principales propiedades.

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Ricercatori italiani sono riusciti a vedere una galassia invisibile

The Astrophysical Journal ha pubblicato uno studio su una galassia particolare perché lontana e oscura. Lo studio è condotto da un gruppo di Ricercatori del SISSA in Italia.

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Abbiamo appena scoperto una galassia invisibile

Conoscere le sue caratteristiche potrebbe aiutarci a comprendere meglio l'evoluzione del nostro Universo Ed eccoci di nuovo con gli occhi rivolti verso il cielo. Merito della recente scoperta di una galassia invisibile firmata da un gruppo di ricercatori della Sissa (Scuola internazionale superiore di studiavanzati) di Trieste in collaborazione con l'Istituto di RadioAstronomia (parte dell'Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica, Inaf) e pubblicata su The Astrophysical Journal.

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Lo que se creía un 'oscuro' objeto celestial resulta ser una joven y fértil galaxia
Viva Galicia

Un objeto tan oscuro que resulta casi invisible, incluso para los instrumentos más sofisticados. Su naturaleza ha sido objeto de debate durante mucho tiempo, pero mediante sondeos realizados con el interferómetro ALMA, el grupo de investigación del International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), en Italia, dirigido por el profesor Andrea Lapi, que investiga la formación y evolución de las galaxias, ha logrado finalmente identificar sus principales propiedades. 

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Meteoro Lo que se creía un 'oscuro' objeto celestial resulta ser una joven y fértil galaxia Un cuerpo celeste extremadamente remoto en un universo aún ...
Viva Antequera

Un objeto tan oscuro que resulta casi invisible, incluso para los instrumentos más sofisticados. Su naturaleza ha sido objeto de debate durante mucho tiempo, pero mediante sondeos realizados con el interferómetro ALMA, el grupo de investigación del International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), en Italia, dirigido por el profesor Andrea Lapi, que investiga la formación y evolución de las galaxias, ha logrado finalmente identificar sus principales propiedades.

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In search of a mysterious and very distant object

In a new study, a team from SISSA presents high-resolution observations of the strongly lensed galaxy HATLASJ113526.2-01460 made by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. The galaxy is a highly remote celestial body in a still-young Universe.

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Researchers unveil secrets of mysterious invisible galaxy from early universe | Science-Environment
Knowledia News (ZA)

Scientists have finally succeeded in identifying the features of an extremely remote celestial body - a mysterious galaxy that hides from even the most sophisticated instruments such as the NASAESA Hubble Space Telescope Scientists have finally succeeded in identifying the features of an extremely remote celestial body - a mysterious galaxy that hides from even the most sophisticated instruments such as the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. A research team from Scuola InternazionaleSuperiore di Studi Avanzati (or SISSA), led by Prof. Andrea Lapi, was able to determine the main properties of this mysterious invisible galaxy using the ALMA interferometer in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile.

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Elusive Dark Galaxy Revealed By ALMA Telescope Observations: Report
Online Wiki

he ALMA telescope in Chile provided the observations. The "Invisible Galaxy," a black galaxy that has previously eluded our most advanced telescopes, has been found by researchers. Even the most cutting-edge instruments were unable to detect the extremely faraway item. In a recent study presented in The Astrophysical Journal, a team from SISSA has fully characterised its properties.

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In search of the invisible galaxy
Knowledia News (ZA)

An extremely remote celestial body in a still young Universe, one sixth the size of the present one. An object so dark that it is almost invisible, even to highly sophisticated instruments. Its nature has long been the subject of debate, but by means of surveys made with the ALMA interferometer, the SISSA research group led by Prof. Andrea Lapi that conducts research into the formation and evolution of galaxies has finally succeeded in identifying its main properties.

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