Press Review
Ученые назвали галактики, нарушающие законы обычной модели физики
Morning News
Il cibo, una conoscenza resiliente. Anche nell’Alzheimer, è una categoria cognitiva che “resiste”
State of mind
New Physics Theory May Help Us Better Understand Phenomena Like Matter and Dark Energy
The science explorer
Les chercheurs découvrent des galaxies hors des lois du modèle standard
Sputnik France
Surprise interaction between dark and ordinary matter found in mini-spiral galaxies
A Dwarf Galaxy 10,000 Times Smaller Than Milky Way --"May Be a Portal to a New Physics"
The daily galaxy
Unexpected interaction between dark matter and ordinary matter in mini-spiral galaxies
Progetto LuminousBees: vivere lo spazio aereo attraverso l’interazione tra arte, scienza e tecnologia
Genova Post