The School aims to provide practical and theoretical training on the application of a large spectrum of techniques to neurobiology. The course will be divided into 2 sessions: a morning session with t...
Ai limiti dell'impossibile. Il cinema della fantascienza. Al Caffè San Marco intervengono Diego Cenetiempo e Daniele Terzoli con Leo Brattoli. Conduce Gianni Zanarini....
Alzheimer's Disease pathogenesis: what we can learn from the analysis of the human brains".-Dr. Maria Luisa Moro
Monday 6 May 2013 at 12:00 in Room
Al Caffe' San Marco si terra' la presentazione del libro: "Ogni giorno vale una vita". Ventisei anni dopo i primi sintomi di Parkinson giovanile "con due elettrodi piantati nel cervello e due batterie...
The notion of point goes through the entire history of mathematics, from ancient Greece to our times. It has deep connections with philosophy and with natural sciences (i.e., the concept of point part...
The focus of the workshop is on recent developments in correspondences among supersymmetric gauge theories in various dimensions, topological field theories, 2D conformal field theories, integrable sy...