Big Meeting Room

Tavola Rotonda sull'effetto "glass ceiling" nelle carriere accademiche femminili in matematica

Tavola rotonda pubblica (8 settembre alla 15.45, alla SISSA) sul fenomeno del glass ceiling, il “muro di vetro” che impedisce alle scienziate donne di avanzare nella carriera accademica....

SISSA mathLab@5

Celebrating first five years of SISSA mathLab activities 2010-2015...

Comunicare la produzione scientifica del Friuli Venezia Giulia

L’accesso aperto ai prodotti della ricerca costituisce un nuovo paradigma nella comunicazione scientifica, che implica una stretta collaborazione tra tutti i portatori di interesse. L’Università degli...

MCA 2014 Graduation

Come to toast to the 2014 graduates and enjoy the pitches of their projects:Olga Puccioni - "OPTIMENS"Sanda Aulic, Gianluca Badjan, Francesca Galzenati - "TEMWIN"Johana Beatriz Cabrera, Maria Carla Ca...

Tavola Rotonda

"Archivi istituzionali e riviste OA in Italia: a che punto siamo?"...

Mechanics of soft materials and tissues: modeling, simulation and experiments

The focus of the workshop is to connect people with a background spanning from Physics of Soft Tissues, Continuum Mechanics and Applied Mathematics....

Hamiltonian PDEs, Frobenius Manifolds and Deligne-Mumford Moduli Spaces

The conference is the final conference of the ERC project FromPDEs. The conference aims at gathering together most of the scientists that have worked on topics related to the project...

Nonlinear Waves and Integrable Systems 2013

The workshop aims at gathering together experts in the field of nonlinear waves, with particular interest for integrable models. Topics of the workshop include: critical behaviour for nonlinear evolut...

Seminario CIBER

"Cooperazione - Nuovi scenari"...

SCoNe - Social Cognitive Neuroscience

Social Cognitive Neuroscience is an emerging field with an interdisciplinary vision on human behavior in a social context. This perspective, built on the confluence of neurological, cognitive, and soc...
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