You are all invited to a public round table on the issue of citizen science, expertise and science communication.
The meeting will be held by Brian Trench (Dublin City University),&nbs...
Adele La Rana is a historian of science at University La Sapienza, in Rome. During this seminar, she will underline the history of gravitational waves, with a focus on the origin of the first experime...
Giornata dedicata a 500 studenti degli ultimi due anni delle scuole superiori, che visiteranno la Sissa per conoscerne più da vicino le attività.
Elena Castellani (Florence University) will hold a conference about the crucial role of the "simmetry" concept in the scientific thinking development. ...
In the framework of the 2016 special fall quater at Institut Henri Poincarè (IHP) "Numerical Methods for PDEs" there will be a workshop on "Recent Developments in Numerical Methods for Model Reduction...