Plenary Lecture | From inelastic X-ray scattering to neuroscience

A talk by Giancarlo Ruocco of the Center for Life NanoScience – Italian Institute of Technology and the Department of Physics - Sapienza University of Rome.

In the first part of his talk Roucco will present the main steps of my research activity in the field of the physics of disordered system. Specifically, he will focus on the investigation of the high frequency dynamics of liquids, supercooled liquids and glasses, as well as its relation to the glass transition. He will also present his contribution to the development of the Inelastic X-ray Scattering technique, as well as other innovative experimental techniques (UV scattering, X-ray transient grating, Brillouin monochromator, Impulse stimulated thermal Scattering), all applied to the investigation of the dynamics in topologically disordered systems.

Then, Ruocco will concentrate on the most recent research projects, mainly devoted to the translation of the longstanding competence on spectroscopy, microscopy and statistical mechanics to neuroscience. Among the different ongoing project, he will discuss in some detail: i) a new super-resolution microscopy technique and its application to the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases via protein aggregation detection in human retina; ii) the high throughput Brillouin microscopy and its application to phase (or glass) transition in protein aggregation; and, iii) the animal-based biosensors for early diagnosis of tumours, built on the measurements of the neural calcium activity of the C. Elegans exposed to human fluids.

The seminar will take place online via Zoom platform. Access details will be provided in due course.

The video recording will be made available later on.

Location (SISSA room)