> GO TO THE LIBRARY WEBSITE (http://library.sissa.it)
The Library houses more than 20,000 monographs, all graduation theses (PhDs and Master's Degrees) of SISSA students and 20,000 volumes of bound periodicals. Moreover, it provides access to about 6,000 scientific journals and the main mathematics, physics and neuroscience databases. It also offers the SISSA Digital Library, the open-access institutional archive of the publications produced by SISSA researchers. During the most of the year, the Library is open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m., and can be accessed by SISSA registered users 24 hours a day. In summer (July 1 to August 31) the Library is open from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. (Saturday and Sunday closed), but users can access it using the self-check system for loans and returns whilst the library is closed.
This operation works only if library users have the appropriate library card “badge” (with photo) and if it has been registered in the SISSA library database. If users don’t have the appropriate badge they can go to the SISSA post office to receive it. Once in possession of the proper badge, users are requested to come to the SISSA library loan desk and ask librarians to add it to the SISSA database.
Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.- 7.00 p.m.; Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.; Sunday closed.
SISSA Library - Via Bonomea 265 - I-34136 Trieste - Italy.
e-mail: library@sissa.it
Tel. +39-040-3787471/472/483
Fax: +39-040-3787695