All the upcoming Special Lectures and Colloquia organized by SISSA in 2025
Since the set up of the European Research Council in 2007, SISSA has secured 30 ERC grants, thus ranking among the top host institutions in Italy, especially with respect to the small faculty size...
On the occasion of its 40th Anniversary, the School is pleased to announce the foundation of the SISSA Alumni Society. It is open to all former SISSA students who have completed a PhD course, obtained a MPhil degree, or attended a Master’s degree...
Giulio Regeni was a scientist like us.
We hope his cruel death may serve to focus our attention on the need to respect human rights.
Soroptimist International d'Italia is organising a free three-day training course for young women titled Futuro al Femminile: Women in Leadership. The course is part of a joint project between Soroptimist International d’Italia and Bocconi University and will be hosted
SCOAP3 – the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics – is an initiative launched by CERN, representing an international scientific collaboration among public research institutions and universities.
Aspen Institute Italia has announced the tenth edition of the “Award for scientific research and collaboration between Italy and the United States”.
Monday Feb 24th - Hangar Teatri Trieste, 8:30 PM
Reserve a seat:
“The Platonic Hypothesis: A Journey T...
The traditional Boltzmann Lecture will be held on Thursday, February 20th at 14:00 in room 128-129 and will feature Sathya Majumdar (CNRS, Orsay) with a seminar titled "Stochastic ...
Scientific Machine Learning: when Fundamental Sciences meet Artificial Intelligence
With Alfio Quarteroni - PoliMi, EPFL
Aula Magna Budinich
Despite the e...
In the session, we will explore stories and experiences from both a national and international perspective to understand what is happening in the media environment. This is the third event of...