The Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Natural Sciences and Humanities (ILAS) aims to combine scientific and humanistic cultures and explore cross-cultural connections between art, ethics, history, philosophy and science. For this reason it organizes public events, based on scientific question, embracing themes of literature, film, photography, philosophy and history.
The Interdisciplinary Laboratory is also involved in the organization of several postgraduate courses: the Master in Science Communication "Franco Prattico" (MCS) and the Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC).
In the past it was also involved in several European projects: SCIRAB (Science in Radio Broadcasting), GAPP (Gender Awareness Participation Process), ESConet (European Science Communication Network), bid (brains in dialogue), CommHERE (Communication of European Health Research) and NERRI (Neuro-Enhancement responsible research and innovation).
Another characteristic of the Laboratory is also to organize training school for specialist.
ILAS activities also include the installation of multimedia exhibitions, with itinerant character, as well as publications, conferences and public events on various issues related to addictions.
Furthermore, ILAS promotes through the various activities of which it is composed, projects and agreements in collaboration with Italian and foreign public and private institutions of the territory.