Research and International Relations Office

The two souls of the Research and International Relations Office, directly involved in administrative grant management and administrative support for the mobility of researchers, are:

  • Research Funding service (Research): Assistance and advice in the application for competitive calls for reserach proposals, scouting activities for available funding opportunities, assistance and administrative support to any kind of project call and, in the negotiation of International Agreements. Moreover, SISSA cooperates with the Agency for the Promotion of the European Research (APRE), specifically devoted to EU projects, with continuous and specific training for researchers on new funding opportunities and support in presenting new projects to enhance researchers' independence.
  • International Relations with Mobility related issues (Mobility): Consultancy on expected timelines for International recruitment; pre-arrival, on-site and pre-departure assistance for foreign EU/Swiss-EAA/non-EU researchers, long-term guests and their family members according to their nationality/residence. SISSA is actively in contact with the Welcome Office FVG that supports the mobility of international researchers and students. 

For a full list of all the available services please check our Carta dei Servizi / Charter of Services (in progress).





Contact us via email!


Tatiana Usenich (Head of Research and International Relations Office)  tel +39 040 3787 453,  office 206


research@sissa is read by:

Marianna Cambertel  +39 040 3787 234office 250-A
Cristina Cortelli tel  +39 040 3787 261office 208
Teodora Cosmidistel  +39 040 3787 609office 208
Tatiana Usenich (Head)tel  +39 040 3787 453office 206


mobility@sissa is read by:

Francesca Gandolfo   tel  +39 040 3787 618office 201
Gabriella Peressini      tel  +39 040 3787 400office 201
Tatiana Usenich (Head)tel  +39 040 3787 453office 206