
On World Human Rights Day, major Italian experts in the field will gather in Gorizia to discuss “The value of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in International Law”...

The event, which will take place at the foyer of SISSA Aula Magna Paolo Budinich from 6 pm, will present the work of playwrights Marco Di Stefano and Chiara Boscaro. Actresses Ariella Reggio and Marcela Serli, together with theatre expert Roberto Canziani, will take part in the event...

How does heat propagate in media? What is the difference between pizza baking in the traditional wood oven and in the electric one? These are some of the questions that will be addressed by physicist Andrey Varlamov on Wednesday 12 December at 4 pm...

Marcello Dalmonte is an expert in quantum information, who works at ICTP and regularly collaborates with SISSA. Dalmonte will be among those responsible for a crucial project to make one of the five research pillars of the European flagship tangible: quantum simulation...

Vision is flexible, and continuously adapts with experience, molding cortical circuitry to analyze optimally incoming information. On Wednesday 5 December, Maria Concetta Morrone of University of Pisa...

How well can cerebral functions explain our normal and pathological behaviours? How are scientific findings changing our idea of mental disorders and, thus, the clinical practice? These are some of the issues that will be addressed, focusing on addictive disorders, on 3-5 December...

A passionate defence of intellectual freedom is at the centre of the speech given by Paolo Giordano, Premio Strega winner with a past as physicist, during SISSA Opening Ceremony 2018. By courtesy of the author you can find here the full text...

The talk will be based on the research conducted by David N. Schwartz in preparation of his biography of Enrico Fermi, "The last man who knew everything", recently published in Italian by Solferino Editore and entitled "Enrico Fermi. L'ultimo uomo che sapeva tutto"...

SISSA celebrates the start of the new academic year and its 40th Anniversary with all staff and scholars. This event will be the occasion to welcome the new students and launch the Alumni Society...

Trieste Science+Fiction Festival is the most important film festival in Italy exploring the worlds of science fiction and the fantasy genre through cinema, television, new media, literature, comics, music, performative and visual arts ...

Physical Cosmology is the success story of modern physics. Observations of the large scale structure of the universe have allowed us to characterize the cosmological model with unprecedented precision. On Wednesday 24 October, Pedro Ferreira of Oxford University will show how...

Improving gender equality has many positive impacts on individuals and also on the society at large. But where do we stand now in the path to establishing a more gender equal EU? On Wednesday 17 October Marcella Corsi of Sapienza University will present...

The school consists of three-day introductory lectures held by SISSA's professors and informal meetings with PhD students. 24 selected students will receive free accommodation...

On Monday 8 October, SISSA, Area Science Park, Udine University, the Department in Modern Languages for Interpreting and Translation at Trieste University and the United World College Adriatic will celebrate together their 40th anniversary in an event organised in Gemona del Friuli...

“If we are here, if there are celestial bodies, galaxies and stars it is because these structures have taken on a certain shape, and this shape has been forged by the fundamental laws of Physics...

SISSA Colloquia continue on Wednesday 3 October with a talk by Jean-Pierre Demailly of CNRS, Grenoble on the solution of polynomial equations...

The European Researchers’ Night is back in Trieste on Friday 28 September. A rich programme of activities for people of all ages will take place in Piazza Unità and around the city centre: hands-on experiments, meetings, exhibitions, science games and much more...

With three days of meetings, laboratories and workshops, the seventh edition of Trieste Next will take place from Friday 28 to Sunday 30 September. The event will focus this year on the relationship between humans, technology and nature...

SISSA Colloquia are back on Wednesday 26 September with a talk by Asimina Arvanitaki on how black holes or precision experiments may provide us with evidence on the presence of new physics...

The role of science and culture is to address, deepen and illustrate the complexity of phenomena, including immigration and, in particular, the problems related to researchers in exile...