SISSA is part of the Italian consortium which was assigned one of the eight European supercomputers for the creation of a network with very high computing capacity, reaching a billion of billions of operations per second.
The European Commission has in fact selected eight European sites to house the supercomputing centers for the development of potential applications in a wide range of sectors, from the design of medicines and new materials to the fight against climate change. Bologna is one of the eight sites. The other seven are in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain. Italy, Spain and Finland are the countries that are going to receive the largest support. Italy will be founded with 240 millions of Euros through a EU co-founding.
"It is a success of the national system", comments SISSA Director Stefano Ruffo, who underlines how "SISSA confirms its excellence in the field of high performance computing through a high-level partnership with Cineca and INFN". The project, worth 840 milions Euros, will not provide direct funding to the School, but the possibility of confirming its authority in the sector. For example, Ruffo continues, "we will be able to ask to renew or even stabilize the support to the MaX Center of Excellence for supercomputing applications", already funded with half a millionEeuros. And of course, once the site in Bologna is active, SISSA will be able to use it directly.
(Image: duiceburger on