Two centuries after “L’Infinito”: an event dedicated to Leopardi on 3 June 2019

With Franco D’Intino and Novella Bellucci, two of the greatest experts on the poet. Moderated by Giuseppe Mussardo
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“Sempre caro mi fu quest'ermo colle…”. “L’infinito”, written by a young Leopardi, is one of the best-known poems of all time. On the bicentennial anniversary of this extraordinary composition, the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of SISSA has organised an event to celebrate its importance at Caffè degli Specchi in piazza dell’Unità, in Trieste, on 3 June, at 6pm. It will be the occasion for a critical reading of the poem, but also for exploring the literary universe of this extraordinary author, on a journey into the knowledge of Leopardi that will range from the area of human passions to lucid philosophical reflections.

The meeting organised by Giuseppe Mussardo, professor of Theoretical Physics, creator and moderator of the event, will see the participation of two of the greatest experts in the field. Franco D’Intino and Novella Bellucci, both professors at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University La Sapienza and connoisseurs of the poet from Recanati, are authors of numerous publications and initiatives on this great author.

Franco D’Intino is a member of the Scientific Committee of the “Centro Nazionale di Studi Leopardiani” (National Centre of Leopardi Studies), director of the «Leopardi Centre» of the University of Birmingham since 1998, director of «Laboratorio Leopardi» (Leopardi Laboratory) and co-editor of the Series of “testi e studi leopardiani” (texts and studies on Leopardi) at Marsilio. D’Intino has also published the English translation of Zibaldone. Novella Bellucci teaches Italian literature at the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of the University La Sapienza of Rome. She has dedicated numerous cultural projects to Leopardi, co-ordinating the Roman bicentennial dedicated to Leopardi and writing several volumes such as "Per leggere Leopardi", 1988; "Giacomo Leopardi e i contemporanei", 1996; "Il gener frale. Saggi leopardiani", 2010.

The event will be held in Italian.