Press Review

New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
Watts Up With That

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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University of Birmingham: New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
India Education Diary

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
True Viral News

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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Il supercomputer italiano Leonardo entra nella Top 5 dei più potenti al mondo
Tech Byte

Il progetto per il sistema Leonardo è stato presentato dal Cineca in rappresentanza dell' Italia in accordo con il Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, l'Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) e la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) e approvato dalla Joint Undertaking Europea EuroHPC.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
Samachar Central

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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Apprendimento spontaneo: differenze nella memoria tra i due sessi
Corriere Nazionale

La complessità degli approcci e delle tematiche ha richiesto la partecipazione allo studio di ricercatori appartenenti a diversi enti nazionali e internazionali: l'Istituto di biologia e patologia molecolari e l'Istituto di scienze applicate e sistemi intelligenti "Eduardo Caianiello" del Cnr, l'Ebri, la Sissa, l'Embl.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
News Explorer

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
My Droll

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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New evidence shows water separates into two different liquids at low temperatures
Mix Point

Christian Micheletti, a professor at International School for Advanced Studies in Trieste, Italy, whose current research interest lies in understanding the impact of entanglement, especially knots and links, on the static, kinetics and functionality of biopolymers.

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Evil doppelgängers, alternate timelines and infinite possibilities: the physics of the multiverse explained
Science Focus

In January of this year, researchers at the International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Italy estimated that there could be as many as 40 trillion - that' s a four followed by 13 zeros - black holes in our Universe alone. That's a lot of baby universes!

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Sinestesie iperboliche - Esperienza plurisensoriale con l'arte tra fili, colori, movimento e suoni
Informa Trieste

Evento benefico pro AIAS Trieste onlus a cura di Pic Knit Art Cafe Aps [...] ore 17.00 - 18.00 Lezione di Matematica Tattile con Stefano Piani (Sissa) e Giorgia Del Bianco. 

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Unicredit Start Lab Menzione speciale alla triestina Aindo
Il Piccolo

Unicredit Start Lab Menzione speciale alla triestina Aindo Proclamati i vincitori dell'edizione 2022 di UniCredit Start Lab, la piattaforma di business di UniCredit rivolta alle migliori startup e PMI innovative italiane. [...] Per la categoria Digital menzione speciale alla start up triestina Aindo Synthetic Data Chain, spin off della Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste.

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Margherita Hack, a breve la catalogazione dei 18mila volumi per la Hortis
Trieste News

La catalogazione [...] verrà affidata a un Comitato Scientifico composto da due membri ciascuno provenienti rispettivamente dall'Istituto nazionale di Astrofisica (Inaf), Istituto nazionale di Fisica nucleare (Infn), Immaginario scientifico, Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) e Università degli studi di Trieste (UNITS). 

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La Sissa e la Val Rosandra da scoprire con cuffie wi-fi
Il Piccolo

Torna In|Visible Cities tra Gradisca, Gorizia e Trieste dal 27 e 28 agosto a settembre 32 appuntamenti all' insegna della multimedialità.

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