
What we have already experienced influences the way we perceive the stimuli of the external world, says a new piece of research published in Journal of Neuroscience...


IGAP is a joint SISSA-ICTP initiative that aims to become a meeting point for mathematicians and physicists, a hub dedicated to the exchange of ideas and the training of young researchers interested in this fascinating area of research…

The Institute promotes multidisciplinary research lines in the field of Astrophysics and Cosmology aimed at understanding the fundamental laws of Nature. This activity is articulated through the funding of various research programmes...

A special Scienza & Virgola event for Wednesday, May 24 at 5 p.m. with a dialogue between Nobel laureates David J. Gross and Giorgio Parisi

Aristotle knew that hot water freezes faster than cold water. This surprising observation remained little studied until 1963, when Erasto B. Mpemba, a Tanzanian high-school student, accidentally found the same...

The next ICTP SISSA Colloquium will be held by professor Alice Guionnet, from ENS de Lyon. The seminar, titled " Large Random Matrices and Beyond", will take place Tuesday, 9 May, at 16:00 in Room 128-129, SISSA Main Building.

The event will also be livestreamed at this link

The spring edition of the 2023 Job Fair will take place online May 18th: registrations close May 5th at noon.

Book your slot to attend the Mini-Spring Innovation School that will take place on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st April at SISSA (room 128-129).

This year, the fil rouge of the Science&Media festival Scienza e Virgola, which will take place from 4th to 9th May, is the democratisation of knowledge...

PhD FOR INNOVATION, promoted by SISSA, is the programme that aims matching best skills with companies: the two languages, academia and business, will meet in the field for impact creation, with the aim of creating concrete opportunities for the future of the PhD students. 

The next ICTP SISSA Colloquium will be held by professor Luigi Ambrosio from Scuola Normale Superiore. The seminar, titled "On some variational problems involving functions with bounded Hessian", will take place Wednesday, 12 April, at 16:00 from the Budinich Lecture Hall in the ICTP Campus.

SISSA scientist Laura Donnay received the Cinzia Vitale 2023 Prize, awarded to outstanding personalities in the fields of science, culture and art...

A new SISSA study proposes an array of interferometers in space to detect subtle fluctuations in the background gravitational signal that may reveal the secrets of black hole mergers…

The National Conference in Science Communication will be back at SISSA next fall. Organised by the Interdisciplinary Laboratory, the event is a unique opportunity for scholars and professionals in the sector to gather...

The research team led by SISSA's Cristian Micheletti studied how a DNA double helix unzips when translocated at high velocity through a nanopore, reconstructing fundamental DNA thermodynamic properties from the sole speed of the process...

The kick-off meeting of Spoke 9, which is led by SISSA with the participation of the University of Padua, the University of Trieste, and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), will be held at SISSA on Friday 17 March from 9.30 a.m...

The Telethon Foundation has awarded a two-year grant to Antonello Mallamaci's research project on FOXG1 syndrome, a rare genetic disease that leads to complex neurological symptoms...

Luca Heltai, professor of Numerical Analysis at SISSA, is one of the Invited Plenary Speakers at the SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23) that will be held in Amsterdam from the 26th of February to the 3rd of March...

Enrollments are now open for the tenth edition of the specialization course “Master in High Performance Computing” (MHPC) co-organized by the Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP).

MHPC is an innovative advanced training program with the aim of training a new class of professionals able to exploit and manage the powerful, complex and modern technologies underlying HPC.

The next SISSA Colloquium will be held February 23rd at 16:30 in room 128-129, with a special lecture by Bruno Mota (Instituto de Física - Universidade Federal do RIo de Janeiro) with the title " Universality, fractality and a new morphological syntax for the cerebral cortex "
