Two exceptional female scientists engage in a dialogue on gender issues in the study of the Universe: Jocelyn Bell Burnell, discoverer of pulsars, and Licia Verde, leading researcher in the cosmic microwave background and the director of JCAP, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics. Drawing from their firsthand experiences, they attempt to understand how the presence of women in the world of scientific research is changing. Domenica Bueti, neuroscientist at SISSA and coordinator of the Comitato Unico di Garanzia (CUG), the body responsible for monitoring and promoting equal opportunities at the School, will engage in discussion with the two physicists.
Federica Sgorbissa, science journalist and author of the podcast Ad Astra - storie dall'Universo, produced by SISSA Medialab in media partnership with the magazine Le Scienze and the collaboration of the Institute for Fundamental Physics of the Universe, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of JCAP, will introduce the meeting and the speakers.
The event will take place on Thursday, 19 October at 5pm in the Throne Room of Miramare Castle, in English.
The event celebrates the 20th anniversary of the founding of JCAP, and is organized by SISSA Medialab, together with SISSA and the Museo Storico del Parco e del Castello di Miramare.
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