The tenth anniversary of the passing of Professor Paolo Budinich, founder of SISSA and a key figure in the development of the Trieste System, will be commemorated on Tuesday, 14th November at 6:00 PM at Antico Caffè San Marco (via Battisti, 18). The event coincides with the presentation of the third edition of his autobiographical book "L’Arcipelago delle Meraviglie," published by Asterios Editore.
"L’Arcipelago delle Meraviglie" is an autobiographical book in which the author narrates his personal and scientific journey that led to the establishment of the ICTP – International Centre for Theoretical Physics, SISSA, ICGEB – International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, and the creation of the Imaginario Scientifico.
The evening, which will include an institutional greeting from the Deputy Mayor of Trieste, Serena Tonel, will be an opportunity to reflect on Budinich's lasting impact on the city. It will feature testimonies from Serena Mizzan of IS-Immaginario Scientifico, Andrea Romanino, director of SISSA, Sandro Scandolo, Head of Research at ICTP, actress and director Diana Hoebel, author of "Memory of Paolo Budinich," Paola Rodari, co-founder of Imaginario Scientifico, and Alexandros Delithanassis, director of Asterios Editore.