
The automatic identification of complex features in images has already become a reality thanks to artificial neural networks. Some examples of software exploiting this technique are Facebook’s automatic tagging system, Google’s image search engine and ...

Just two days after the visit of our Head of State, there’s bad news for SISSA, coming from the ministerial degree on university planning 2019-2021 and from the decree in the Ordinary Finance Fund (FFO), one of the main sources of revenue for Italian Universities...

A new series of five conferences starting november 21st, titled Le voci della Scienza. The 5 evenings will touch different topics spanning from mathematics to the relationship between maths and comics, to the understanding of action and emotion to space exploration...

Delivering a diversified electric message to different fibres of the injured spinal cord through a new technology able to deliver it in a targeted and independent manner...

President of Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella will be the guest of honor of SISSA Opening Ceremony on November 19 2019...

Joining computer simulations and lab experiments, an international research group sheds light on one of the key mechanisms of cell life...

Reducing the gender gap is a major challenge for the whole scientific community, in developed as well as less privileged countries, and concerns everyone, men and women ...

The waves that describe systems in quantum physics can carry information about how their environment has been altered, for example by forces acting on them. This effect, known as the geometric phase, will be at the centre of the Colloquium held on Wednesday 6 November by Michael Berry...

Introducing master students to the research carried out at SISSA in mathemathics. This is the aim of Junior Math Days, organised on 16-18 December. Over the three days...

SISSA scored first place in Italy, seventh in Europe and among the Top 50 "Young Universities" in the world. This according to a new Nature Index report ranking the top 160 universities in the world that are less than fifty years of age ...

For the first time it has been shown that deficits of semantic memory, an ability we use to recognise objects and use them correctly, are involved in specific eating disorders shared by patients suffering from dementia...

On the occasion of the funeral that is held in Trieste, today, SISSA expresses its deep closeness to the families of the two police officers killed in the tragic shootout that took place in the Trieste Police Headquarters...

Based on the first sounds that arrive to it directly, the brain makes a prediction, “suggesting” a solution. A new study by SISSA, in association with the Universities of Liverpool and Cambridge...

Two important initiatives pay tribute to the multifaced talent and the exceptional scientific career of SISSA professor Giuseppe Mussardo. On Saturday 26 October his new book dedicated to Giacomo Leopardi and his scientific interests will be previewed at Ubik bookstore...

Quantum mechanics is singular among physical theories in that it does not make clear statements about what actually exists. Reality seems to 'depend on the observer'. On Wednesday 16 October Antony Valentini...

An international team of astronomers has discovered a collection of 12 galaxies in the constellation Cetus which existed about 13.0 billion years ago. This is the earliest protocluster ever found. SISSA scientist Darko Donevski is one of the research authors...

A group of researchers led by Professor Michele Giugliano of SISSA has shed light for the first time on the cellular mechanisms behind the phenomenon of “co-relation”, in which individual neurons do not always act as independent units in receiving and transmitting information...

The Festival for the Scientific Research “Trieste NeXT” returns in Trieste. Conferences, workshops, talks, open-air activities and many other events will take place from 27 until 29 September in the city centre...

From 27 January to 2 February 2020 an international conference will be held at SISSA to celebrate the occasion of Gianni Dal Maso's 65th Birthday. The workshop will focus on the most recent...

In the last few years, especially after di introduction of new evaluation criteria, more ‘missions’ have been assigned to Universities. Among those, the goal of interacting with society to generate impact has been called “third mission”. But does this variety of missions actually exists? What do we mean by impact on society? The contribution of research ...