
From Monday 24 February 2020 to Sunday 1 March 2020, teaching activities are suspended.

The evolution of the situation related to the spread of Coronavirus infection recommends, prudently and in agreement and synergy with the other Universities of the Region and the Political and Governmental Authorities, the adoption of precautionary measures aimed at protecting public health and the smooth functioning of the institutional activities of all the three Universities of Friuli Venezia Giulia...

The Boris Dubrovin medal, in memory of Boris Anatolievich Dubrovin, The Boris Dubrovin medal, in memory of Boris Anatolievich Dubrovin, is acceping nominations for candidates...

SISSA Cognitive Neuroscience professor Jacques Mehler passed away in Paris on February 11 at the age of 83. Jacques Mehler was a key figure of the cognitive revolution in psychology in the 1960s and conducted foundational research on human cognition...

This year's Boltzmann Lecture will be held on Thursday, 20 February, featuring Herbert Spohn from Technical University Munich...

500 students, 50 activities envisaged, scores of researchers involved and themes that range from artificial intelligence to the mysteries of the Universe...

Novel nanotechnologies could be used as brain implants, modulating the activity of nerve cells electrochemically and treating neurological diseases like epilepsy and Parkinson’s...

The Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC) organizes the 2nd edition of the event "HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future" to build a dialogue on the trends and needs of the HPC world...

Tosatti has been awarded “For his leading role in the establishment of high-level training and research activities in Condensed Matter Physics at ICTP, and for mentoring many capable young scientists from developing countries...

"PARSEC: stellar tracks and isochrones with the PAdova and TRieste Stellar Evolution Code" is the most cited Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society’s paper of the last decade. This article, published in 2012...

Taking stock of the progress and laying the foundations for future collaborations. This is the twofold objective of the kick-off meeting of the Leonardo project, that will take place at SISSA on 29 and 30 January 2020...

The key of the extraordinary functionality of ribonucleic acid, better known as RNA, is a highly flexible and dynamic structure. Yet, the experimental characterisation of its different configurations is rather complex. A study conducted by SISSA and published in Nucleic Acids Research...

Barry C. Barish (Caltech and UC Riverside) will be the featured speaker for the first SISSA Colloquia of the year, focused on the discovery of Gravitational Waves...

SISSA is accepting applications for PhD courses for the academic year 2020/2021. The school will be awarding a total of 63 fellowships across its three major research areas, Mathematics, Neuroscience and Physics. 

They are called low-surface-brightness galaxies and it is thanks to them that important confirmations and new information have been obtained on one of the largest mysteries of the cosmos: dark matter ...

Emotions, projects, dreams are at the core of the stories of nine SISSA researchers funded by the European Research Council (ERC), now available on video. Thanks to them and their scientific excellence, SISSA explores...

The project "Non-perturbative dynamics of quantum fields: from new deconfined phases of matter to quantum black holes" will tackle the problem of strong interactions: an intrinsic complexity of quantum systems, across-the-board, that makes them extremely hard to study...

Advances and discoveries in science are fed by the continuous exchange of knowledge and skills among different researchers. This is the key to SISSA success and is also the spirit of the annual Intra-Area Meeting in Physics that will be held on Friday 13 December...

Erio Tosatti, professor Emeritus of SISSA and coordinator of scientific programs at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), has received recognition of his expertise from two prestigious science academies...

For the eighth year Trieste hosts the local selection of FameLab, the international competition challenging young scientists with the talent of communication to tell in just 3 minutes the object of his or her study, or a scientific topic they are interested in...

We know a lot about animals, nothing about plants. Yet, plants are the life on the planet, representing almost all the living mass, while animals, with their tiny percentage of biomass, seem completely irrelevant...