Press Review

Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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MIL-OSI Global: We don' t know if dark matter exists. So why do astronomers keep looking?
Turkmenistan News

Professor Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy) and Professor Glenn van de Ven (UniVie, Austria) co-authored this article.

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
News Blaze

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
The Best Times

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
The Wetumpka Herald

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
The State Journal

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
The Selma Times Journal

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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MIL-OSI Global: We don' t know if dark matter exists. So why do astronomers keep looking?
The Conversation

Professor Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy) and Professor Glenn van de Ven (UniVie, Austria) co-authored this article.

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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MIL-OSI Global: We don' t know if dark matter exists. So why do astronomers keep looking?
South Africa News

Professor Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy) and Professor Glenn van de Ven (UniVie, Austria) co-authored this article.

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Why Astronomers Keep Looking For Dark Matter
Science 2.0

Professor Paolo Salucci (SISSA, Italy) and Professor Glenn van de Ven (UniVie, Austria) co-authored this article.

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
Salisbury Post

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
PR Newswire

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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Cinque imperdibili performances per la tappa goriziana di In\Visible Cities

Il successo triestino di In\Visible cities è stato solo il preludio del calendario in programma a Gorizia-Nova Gorica e Gradisca d'Isonzo!

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Target ALS and Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation Announce Award Recipients for Biomarker Research
Next Wave Group

Target ALS and the Alzheimer' s Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF) announced today the first four award recipients in a new initiative to identify and develop biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases [...] The members of the selected consortia receiving funding are: [...] Giuseppe Legname ( Trieste International School for Advanced Studies ).

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"Identità e confini", Raiano dialoga di storia e filosofia
Il germe

Raiano si prepara a una tre giorni di incontri e dibattiti su storia e pensiero con l'evento "Identità e confini" [...] Alle ore 18:00 sarà presente Paolo De Bernardis, docente di Fisica all' Università "La Sapienza", che dialogherà con Francesco Vissani (PhD in Fisica presso la SISSA, nonché dirigente di ricerca presso i Laboratori del Gran Sasso).

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Edoardo Boncinelli "La scuola della mente"
Il posto delle parole

Edoardo Boncinelli (Rodi, 1941) è tra i maggiori genetisti italiani. Per più di vent'anni ha svolto attività di ricerca presso l'Istituto di genetica e biofisica del Cnr di Napoli. È stato direttore del Laboratorio di biologia molecolare dello sviluppo presso l'Università San Raffaele e direttore della Scuola superiore Sissa di Trieste. 

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Femmine e maschi, ecco come ricordiamo
Rivista Informa

La complessità degli approcci e delle tematiche ha richiesto la partecipazione allo studio di ricercatori appartenenti a diversi enti nazionali e internazionali: l'Istituto di biologia e patologia molecolari e l'Istituto di scienze applicate e sistemi intelligenti " Eduardo Caianiello " del Cnr, l'Ebri, la Sissa.

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Trieste Next diventa internazionale. In arrivo giovani e relatori da tutta Europa. Apre il Premio Nobel Aaron Chiechanover
Italy Post

Alla sua undicesima edizione che, si terrà dal 22 al 24 settembre, il festival della ricerca scientifica assume una dimensione internazionale. [...] Trieste Next è promosso da ItalyPost, Comune di Trieste, Università di Trieste con Area Science Park, Immaginario Scientifico, OGS e SISSA ecc.

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