
Matter has memory, too. For example, a crumpled nickel-titanium paperclip spontaneously reconfigures into its remembered shape upon heating. Hypothesizing that memory dynamics in non-living systems might have more in common with brain memory than meets the eye, a new research project...

The Medal is awarded by SISSA with the support of Scuola Normale Superiore, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI). It will recognize exceptionally promising young researchers who have already made outstanding contributions to the field of Nonliner Analysis...

More than 94% of those who gained the “Franco Prattico” Master’s Degree in Science Communication (MCS) from SISSA in the decade 2009/2019 are currently employed. This is one of the most significant results of a survey of the employment rate...

SiSSA Director is one of the guests of the Rome Science Festival presenting the project by SISSA and MIT "NV centres for the test of the Quantum Jarziynski Equality (NVQJE)" together with Professor Paola Cappellaro ...

All 27 EU Member States and the EU Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth have signed the Bonn Declaration on Freedom of Scientific Research. In this way, they show their support for a diverse, creative and independent research landscape...

The Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) has officially launched the new National Research Programme (PNR). The document shapes research policy in Italy and...

The work by SISSA and CNR-IOM was part of a large international collaboration whose results have just been published in "Science Advances’"... 

What is SISSA for you? From the answers of the whole community to this question, three key messages that describe our School have emerged. SISSA IS... unlocking the mysteries of universe and mind, where geek means cool, the Big Bang of knowledge...

One year after the beginning of the pandemic, SISSA people gather together virtually to celebrate the new academic year and look ahead. The ceremony will focus on the new work programme of the European Research Council (ERC) and the future perspectives for the scientific world...

It seems that Dante's verses have other qualities that tend to impress them on the memory even if the meter is disrupted: a group of SISSA neuroscientists has focused on two of the most famous works of Italian literature to quantify the effect on the memory of the three principal components of poetic meter ...

The School established two scholarships, awarding two students who highlighted some of the complexities of pandemic management

From climate change to pandemics, from artificial intelligence to botany, from neuroscience to psychology: science and literature are perfectly blended in the high number of proposals to be selected for the festival that will take place from 26 to 30 May in Trieste ...

On Wednesday 17 March at 16:00 , SISSA-ICTP Colloquia are back with a talk by Anton Alexeev, professor of Mathematics at the University of Geneva and winner of the Medal of the Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics for the year 2020.


Effective, specific, with a reversible and non-harmful action: the identikit of the perfect biomaterial seems to correspond to graphene flakes, the subject of a new study carried out by SISSA and other international institutions ...

Information is encoded in data. This is true for most aspects of modern everyday life, but it is also true in most branches of contemporary physics. An interdisciplinary team of scientists from ICTP and SISSA showed that...

Dear all,

given this prolonged challenging time, we believe it is more and more important to look ahead and continue the process started a few months ago thanks to your contribution...

"The CRUI has been committed to promoting open access since 2004 and since 2019 has started to sign agreements with international publishers to turn 'read only' contracts into 'read and publish' ones," said Stefano Ruffo, Rector at SISSA and CRUI's Commission for Libraries Coordinator.

The SISSA newsletter starts its adventure today with the publication of its very first issue! We have gathered eight pieces of news for you about our community...

The Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC) organizes the 3rd edition of the event "HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future". The event will be held Friday, February 26 2021, from 15:00 to 17:00. 

Carbohydrates of the prion glycoproteins responsible for a group of neurodegenerative diseases were sequenced for the first time thanks to a highly sensitive technique ...