On April 14, 2022, the first World Quantum Day is celebrated. For the occasion, CNR IOM and INO organized a conference with debate and Q&A and quantum games
Strongly correlated materials close to a Mott metal-to-insulator transition frequently display properties at odds with Landau’s Fermi Liquid Theory, most notably the absence of quasiparticle peaks in the single-particle spectrum. A SISSA study, published in Nature Communications...
The American Department of State announced to support an initiative led by the Fondazione Internazionale Trieste (FIT) called “Researching Sustainability, Supporting Sustainability”. The funding to FIT, which will encourage USA-Italy scientific and cultural exchange, involves SISSA ...
"In collaboration with the regional institutions, we are preparing to welcome Ukrainian students and researchers and support them through scholarships, research and mobilty programs...
The exhibition, dedicated to the role of women in academia, research and culture, is an initiative of SISSA, curated by SISSA Medialab, and is part of the Trieste Learning City project of Unesco, coordinated by Università della LiberEtà and the Municipality of Trieste with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Institutions of the Trieste System are among the partners ...
A huge amount of mysterious dark energy is necessary to explain cosmological phenomena, such as the accelerated expansion of the Universe, with Einstein’s theory. But what if dark energy was just an illusion and general relativity itself had to be modified? A new SISSA study...
The Conference of Rectors of the Italian Universities, deeply concerned by what is happening in Ukraine, animated by the conviction that attention to the construction and consolidation of peace by peaceful means is the constitutive vocation of the Academy, certain that a strong and immediate diplomatic action, conducted in good faith by all parties, is the only way to address the complexity of the ongoing conflict:
Hundreds of students from all over Italy will be saving the date of 25 February when they’ll be meeting the School's researchers for a day of online seminars, quizzes, interviews, games and chats...
SISSA hosts a course addressed to SME owners and employees. The annual event of the Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC), entitled "HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future" will take place on the third day of the initiative ...
The 2022 edition of the traditional Boltzmann lecture will take place online on 21 February at 3pm. Professor Subir Sachdev from Harvard University will hold a lecture entitled “Statistical mechanics of metals without quasiparticles, and of charged black holes” ...
Is General Relativity the correct theory of gravitation? Can gravity be used to detect new fundamental fields? A recent Letter appearing in Nature Astronomy, authored by researchers of the GSSI, SISSA...
In direct conflict with the current prevailing theory used to describe the Universe, a new study suggests that at the center of spiral galaxies there is a vast spherical region made up of dark matter particles where a direct interaction...
The two projects are ARGOS, led by Gianluigi Rozza, and “Stripe-o-Morph”, led by Antonio De Simone. Worth €150,000 each, this top-up funding will help them bridge the gap between the results of their pioneering research and the early phases of its commercialisation...
Diatoms, single-celled algae typically enshrined in a siliceous cell wall, generally act as opportunistic organisms, reproducing uncontrollably in the presence of favorable conditions, but are also able to make altruistic decisions acting for the good of the community ...
Work-life balance, gender equality in recruitment and career progression, measures against gender-based violence. These are some of the areas of interventions of SISSA’s Gender Equality Plan (GEP), a programmatic and strategic document...
With a new computational approach, SISSA researchers have been able to make the fascinating calculation. Moreover, according to their work, around 1% of the overall ordinary (baryonic) matter is locked up in stellar mass black holes...
Lorenzo Marchesi is the winner of the Pezcoller Foundation scholarship awarded to the highest-ranked candidate for admission to SISSA's Master's Course in Science Communication “Franco Prattico" ...
The 33rd edition of the Trieste Film Festival is approaching. It will be held from 21 to 30 January 2022 at Politeama Rossetti, Cinema Ambasciatori, Teatro Miela and online on MYmovies.it platform ...
Few imagined less than two years ago that data and statistical modelling could be so important in facing a health emergency. However Nowadays, computational epidemiologists are in fact among the heroes fighting Covid-19, and Vittoria Colizza is one of them ...
SISSA scored first place in Italy, third in Europe and seventeenth in the world in Physical sciences among "Young Universities". This according to a new Nature Index issue ranking the top 150 universities...