Theoretical Particle Physics - PhD defences

On Monday September 16th several PhD defences of students beloning to SISSA Theoretical Particle Physics group will take place. The event
will be in room 004 with the following schedule:

9:15 M. Del Zotto (Supervisor: S. Cecotti)
"Four-dimensional N = 2 superconformal quantum field theories and

10:30 L. Di Pietro (Supervisor: M. Bertolini)
"Supersymmetry breaking, Gauge Mediation and Holography"

11:45 S. Giaccari (Supervisor: L. Bonora)
"Conformal Symmetry in String Field Theory and 4D Field Theories"

15:00 N. Dinh Dinh (Supervisor: S. Petcov)
"Probing the Possible TeV Scale See-saw Origin of Neutrino Masses with
Charged Lepton Flavour Violaiton Processes and Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy
Using Atoms"

16:15 L. Rachwal (Supervisor: R. Percacci)
"Models for RG running for Gravitational couplings and applications"

Everybody is welcome to attend.

Location (SISSA room)
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