
Plenary Lecture | From inelastic X-ray scattering to neuroscience

A talk by Giancarlo Ruocco of the Center for Life NanoScience – Italian Institute of Technology and the Department of Physics - Sapienza University of Rome....

Joint ICTP-SISSA Colloquium | Computational Epidemiology at the time of COVID-19

A webinar by Alex Vespignani of Northeastern University on the latest results and challanges of large-scale data-driven models for infectious disease threats and, in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic....

Plenary Lecture | Synthetic Quantum Matter

In the last four decades, the study of specially designed artificial structures have opened new avenues to explore quantum many-body phenomena. This effort has made Feynman's dream come true with the ...

SISSA-ICTP Colloquium | Epidemic control of COVID-19 through instantaneous contact tracing

A webinar by Luca Ferretti of the Big Data Institute in Oxford on the challenges of the app-based approaches for the epidemic control of COVID-19.To attend please register ahead at the following: http...

HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future

The Master in High Performance Computing (MHPC) organizes the 2nd edition of the event "HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future"...

Boltzmann Lecture | Hydrodynamics of integrable many-body systems

A talk by Herbert Spohn of the Technical University Munich on the hydrodynamics of integrable many-body systems and in particular of the classical Toda lattice.The event will take place in room 128-12...

Leonardo project: kick-off meeting

The first Consortium Meeting of the Leonardo project aimed at laying the foundation for the next steps in the development of the new supercomputer that projects Italy towards the exascale class o...

SISSA Colloquium | Probing the Universe with Gravitational Waves

A talk by Nobel Laureate Barry Barish exploring the detection of gravitational waves and the emergence and prospects for this exciting new science....

Gravitational Waves, Black Holes and Fundamental Physics

The third global meeting of the GWverse COST Action, aimed at supporting the training of the next generation of leaders in black-hole physics and gravitational-wave science and the very first "native'...

Student Day 2020

La sesta edizione della giornata speciale dedicata alle classi quarte e quinte delle scuole superiori si terrà il 13 febbraio 2020. Le prenotazioni si aprono mercoledì 18 dicembre 2019 alle ore 14:00....
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