WIOS represents the first international forum to unite women scientists in olfactory science with the objective of strengthening their role in the development and promotion of their represen...
A seminar organized by the Master course in Science Communication “Franco Prattico” will offer the opportunity to discuss a hot topic like vaccine communication. Invited speakers are Prof. Andrea Grig...
We are glad to introduce youMARS42, our new Summer Entrepreneurship School developed in collaboration with 42 Accelerator, a revolutionary accelerator program for early-stage and game-changing startup...
Adele La Rana is a historian of science at University La Sapienza, in Rome. During this seminar, she will underline the history of gravitational waves, with a focus on the origin of the first experime...
From 20 to 24 February 2017 SISSA will host "Trieste Quantum Days 2017", a five day meeting presenting local research activities from the Trieste area (Uni-TS, ICTP, SISSA, CNR) in the ...
Elena Castellani (Florence University) will hold a conference about the crucial role of the "simmetry" concept in the scientific thinking development. ...
Il Comune di Trieste ha scelto un progetto di citizen science per il monitoraggio della diffusione della zanzara tigre come vincitore della borsa offerta per il secondo anno consecutivo agli studenti ...