Luciana Bianchi, from the Johns Hopkins University, will hold the next SISSA colloquium on June 24, 2014, at 12.00 am, room 128. Studies of young stellar populations in local galaxies, ...
Nature records history, in the night sky, the rock record, the rings of trees, and especially in biological molecules. We use biological molecules to study the ancient history of life....
Il Master in Comunicazione della Scienza organizza un appuntamento da non perdere per tutti quelli che vogliono sapere di piu' sulle investigazioni scientifiche. Giampietro Lago, comandante del RIS di...
The meeting will be held to enable young researchers to meet one another to improve their skills and share their experiences in order to cooperate into a wide array of fields having an interest in neu...
A two-day conference organized in sessions devoted to recent research topics in Physics. PhD students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to present their work in talks or poster presentations....
Trieste all’inizio del Novecento, città di pittori, letterati, scienziati. Città dove si consuma la tragica fine di Ludwig Boltzmann, geniale scienziato della Vienna di fine secolo, ma luogo che è anc...