SISSA SUMMER FESTIVAL 2021: "LIBRA: una storia futura"

From 8 to 12 September, the Miramare Castle in Trieste and the Fortress of Gradisca will be transformed into exceptional videomapping sets with "LIBRA: una storia futura". "LIBRA: una storia futura" is born from the collaboration between SISSA astrophysicist Roberto Trotta and the director Gigi Funcis.

LIBRA is organized by SISSA as part of the fifth edition of the SISSA Summer Festival, with the patronage of the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia in collaboration with the Historical Museum and the Miramare Castle Park and the Italian Ministry of Culture. Science Industries Association, Comune di Duino Aurisina, GAL Carso, Imperial College London, together with Invisible Cities, Dispar Pixels, Delta Process, SISSA Medialab, Vitamina T are also part of the project.

LIBRA's dates

"LIBRA - multimedia theatre": 8 September 2021, 9.00 pm - Castello di Miramare (Ts) (free entrance, reservation is mandatory)

"LIBRA  - multimedia theatre": 9 September 2021, 9.00 pm - Castello di Miramare (Ts) (free entrance, reservation is mandatory)

“LIBRA - behind the scenes” - A science&art conference - 10 September, 9.00 pm – Sistiana Infopoint (Ts) (free entrance, reservation is mandatory)

"LIBRA  - multimedia theatre" 12 September, 9.30 pm - Fortezza di Gradisca (Go) (Info and booking: Festival Invisibile Cities)

At the end of the shows Science Industries Association will present an observation of the night sky.

The links for the reservations will be published starting from 25 August 2021 at this link.

Location (SISSA room)