The celebrations to mark SISSA’s 40th anniversary continue with a new edition of SISSA Summer Festival. From 21 June to 5 July, every week, the open-air amphitheatre of the School will entertain with concerts and plays dedicated to the relationship between art and science. The programme of events will open on Thursday 21 with the choral concert of Sedicetto of PoliEtnico, the choir of the Politecnico di Torino, with “Forma, metro, misura. Melodie tra canto e scienza”. Then it will be the turn of two plays dedicated to two great Nobel Prize winners. On Thursday 28, “Il Fuoco del Radio. Dialoghi con Madame Curie” produced by La Contrada Teatro Stabile di Trieste, with Ariella Reggio. The festival will close on Thursday 5 July with “La conquista della felicità. Dialogo tra Bertrand Russell e Cassiopea” a production by Trento Spettacoli.
The events, which will be held in Italian, are free and open to everyone. In the event of bad weather they will be held in the Aula Magna “Paolo Budinich”.
21 June, 7.30 pm
Choral concert “Forma, metro, misura. Melodie tra canto e scienza”
With Sedicetto of PoliEtnico, choir of Politecnico di Torino. Directed by Giorgio Guiot
The Chamber music group of choir PoliEtnico presents its programme of polyphonic pieces moving through the history of music, the analysis of several forms and some examples of symmetries. The path unfolds through classical pieces, traditional melodies from all over the world and some examples of contemporary music that present formal peculiarities, interchanging serious and playful moments.
28 June, 9.00 pm
Play “Il Fuoco del Radio. Dialoghi con Madame Curie”
Produced by La Contrada-Teatro Stabile di Trieste
With Ariella Reggio, Enza De Rose, Francesco Godina e Elke Burul. Directed by Elke Burul. From a text by Luisa Crismani and Simona Cerrato
The story of the Polish scientist twice Noble Prize winner takes to the stage. Her studies on radioactivity have flung open the doors of scientific research to the female gender and meant such a great deal for the universal history of science. On stage, her passion, her reason for living, an adventure from which, with sacrifice and dedication, emerge hidden truths and unknown horizons that nourish the progress of the future common good.
5 July, 9.00 pm
Play “La conquista delle felicità. Dialogo tra Bertrand Russel e Cassiopea”
Produced by Trento Spettacoli
With Stefano Pietro Detassis. Written and directed by Maura Pettorruso
Bertrand Russell, philosopher, mathematician, activist and pacifist, reaches the last moments of his existence. 98 years full of struggles, failures and loves, crowned by the Nobel Prize for Literature. In that short space of time between the last moments of life and the mystery of death, Bertrand prepares to travel the last fragment of time. Elegant suit, look of astonishment, fragile and powerful, he climbs onto a mound of earth and starts his journey, the last journey, in search of the mystery of life. The raft moves in the infinite universe and Russell relives his existence, in a deep imaginary dialogue with Cassiopeia, the constellation of the African goddess.