SISSA scored first place in Italy, third in Europe and seventeenth in the world in Physical sciences among "Young Universities". This according to a new Nature Index issue ranking the top 150 universities in the world that are less than fifty years of age. Overall the School is second in Italy, 12th in Europe and 62nd worldwide. SISSA confirms being one of the few bright spots for Italian and European research in a ranking that shows the strength of young Chinese realities.
The Nature Index is a database compiled by Nature Portfolio that provides an indication of research output and collaboration by tracking contributions to articles published in 82 high-quality natural-science journals, chosen by an independent group of researchers. It counts both the absolute (Count) and fractional (Share) number of publications to also evaluate the share of authorship on each article.
The ranking published in Nature Index 2021 Young Universities takes into account the papers published in 2015-2020 and the corresponding Share values.