Mysteries of the cosmos, sounds of physics, mathematics for medicine, sport and environment, a virtual journey in a neuroscience lab. Then a look at current events, to talk about epidemiological data, virus and bacteria. And another on the frontiers of science, to go where no one has gone before. Without forgetting pure relaxation with games, quiz shows and even a little home sport! A video by Paola and Claudio Regeni, Giulio Regeni’s parents, will open the event. They will tell us the story of the researcher and the importance of research and doing things together.
The Student Day organised by SISSA offers a rich programme of events. The traditional meeting with students attending the last two years of secondary schools returns on 25 February from 9 am, for the first time online. This year, 500 girls and boys belonging to 26 classes will be logged in from Turin and Livorno, Colleferro and Paderno, and then Padua, Vicenza, Monfalcone, Gemona, Udine and Trieste.
They will be ready to venture into an exciting morning-long experience in the company of SISSA researchers. Student Day is an initiative within the project “SISSA for schools”, organised by SISSA Medialab, which for many years has been bringing schools of every type and level into direct contact with the scientists of the School. (Image by Harish Sharma on Pixabay)