Dear all,
yesterday evening, in a sometimes dramatic speech, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte announced new measures to limit the spread of coronavirus infection in the Country.
After extending the restrictions to all of Italy, through a decree whose effects start today, the government has decided to stop all the activities defined as "non-essential".
SISSA, in compliance with point 6 of the provision, which concerns public administration - Universities and research centers included - will ensure operating methods aimed to guarantee the carrying out of only non-deferrable activities at SISSA. All the others have to be done in smart working.
More in general, access to the school is severely limited and we regret to stress that all research activities that require the presence of people in SISSA are suspended.
Details relating to the experimental activity and distance were explaneid in an email to SISSA community.
According to the decree, with the only exception of activities that must be carried out at SISSA - such as the security service - technical and administrative staff's activites have to be carried out in smart working. All the information was given in a email message to SISSA community.
We also reiterate all the provisions aimed at minimizing the presence of people in the School, as clarified in the policies available at this web page. Among these, access to Sissa is forbidden to collaborators and guests.
Although we fully and convincingly share the appeal of political and health authorities to place individual and collective health as a top priority, we are perfectly aware of the great sacrifice we are asking you and the consequences that these measures may have in the research and training path of most of you.
However, trust us, once the health emergency is over, we will make all the effort, with all the energy and resources available, to make up for lost time and get over this extraordinary situation.
Stefano Ruffo and Gabriele Rizzetto