<<If the population does not understand that it must stay at home, the situation will become catastrophic.>>
We have adopted the main recommendation issued by Antonio Pesenti, reanimation unit physician and coordinator of the Crisis Unit of the Lombardy Region for intensive therapies, to express our concern about the worsening of the coronavirus emergency in Italy.
SISSA is an institution of scientific excellence and, at a time that we cannot hesitate to call serious, we can only reaffirm our total confidence in the science and community of epidemiologists, doctors and nurses at the forefront of coping with the virus in recent weeks and days.
We therefore take full account of their indications: all of us as citizens and as members of the SISSA community must play our part, first of all, by limiting our presence in the institute to what is strictly necessary to enable institutional activities to continue.
In regards to the new dispositions defined by the Governmental decree approved Sunday March 8, and the following measures March 9, extending the “reinforced containment” areas to include all Italy, SISSA policies are as follows:
- Administrative and technical staff will be even more strongly encouraged to make use of teleworking and smart working
- Teaching, research staff, Phd Students and students are very strongly recommended to work from home.
- Invitations to guests of any kind or external collaborators, as well as SISSA’s staff mission, are suspended until a date to be defined.
The whole SISSA community is called to follow the behaviors aimed at reducing the spread of the contagion, as indicated by the Ministry of Health and the WHO, and to monitor their own health and the people with whom they are most frequently in contact with. Even those who, in good health, have come into contact with symptomatic people people should consider adopting distance working methods.
The complete SISSA policies and information on the coronavirus are available at: https://www.sissa.it/news/sissa-policies-and-informations-coronavirus
Stefano Ruffo e Gabriele Rizzetto