The return to the classroom in the autumn for SISSA after the Coronavirus emergency aims to protect health and greater assistance.
The re-entry plan provides for the resumption of teaching activities, partly on site, partly online, with the installation of cameras, new equipment for recording lessons and the enhancement of IT equipment and networking. The offer of online seminars will continue, initially imposed by the emergency but with ample potential even in ordinary periods. The use of facilities will then be expanded with more flexible hours of use and well-ventilated or open-air discussion spaces will be defined and better equipped in addition tìo those already existing. New bus rides will make transport from the city center to the via Bonomea and via Beirut campuses more efficient.
Particular attention will be paid to the students of the first year of the doctorate. A constant and direct relationship between supervisors and young PhD students is a characteristic feature of SISSA, and it is even more so for those who enter the world of research for the first time. In order not to limit the construction of such a significant connection, endangered by the Covid epidemic, SISSA will make every possible effort to ensure close collaboration between teachers and students. Starting from the entrance exam which, like the discussion of the theses, compatibly with the evolution of the epidemiological framework, will be in presence.
Safety in the building will be ensured by distance, measurement of body temperature at the entrance and use of the masks for all everyone who wishes to stay in the institution. The laboratories will be constantly sanitized and the people inside them will be equipped with the personal protective equipment necessary for the protection from health risks. The library, bar and canteen services were also safely reorganized. Finally, a crucial point for an international body such as SISSA is to ensure a constant flow of scientists from all over the world within the limits imposed by the Covid epidemic. For this reason, services for foreign visitors will be enhanced, facilitating their arrival in Trieste as much as possible and offering them an economic contribution for health care