"Thanks to SIAM UQ24, the Triveneto region will have the opportunity to make its productive and research system known internationally": these are the words of Gianluigi Rozza, Professor of Numerical Analysis at SISSA in Trieste and one of the chairmen of the Organising Committee of SIAM UQ24, the sixth edition of the international conference of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) dedicated to the quantification of uncertainty.
The conference will take place in Trieste from 27 February to 1 March, at the Stazione Marittima and the Savoia Excelsior Palace; over a thousand participants are expected. The conference will allow representatives from leading companies and consortia, such as Danieli, Electrolux, Fincantieri and SMACT, to meet students and researchers from all over the world. Funders of the 2024 edition include the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, SISSA and the iNEST Consortium, as well as the SISSA mathLab group, Trieste-based startup FAST Computing and the American Statistical Association (ASA).
A satellite event will take place in SISSA on Monday 26 February. The meeting, entitled "Power of Diversity in Uncertainty Quantification" ia aimed at welcoming young researchers, especially from under-represented groups, and making them acquainted with the overall topic of the UQ24 conference and with each other.