For the seventh year, Trieste is hosting the local selection of FameLab! Famelab is the international competition challenging young scientists to tell in 3 minutes the object of his or her study, or a scientific topic they are interested in. No slideshows, graphs, videos are allowed: only a fistful of words and communication skills are required to present the charm of scientific research to the public, in an amusing and clear way. The performances can be given in Italian or in English.
FameLab Trieste will take place on 27 February 2019, 9 a.m., at Teatro Miela, in Trieste. The initiative is organized by Immaginario Scientifico, University of Trieste, University of Udine, SISSA, Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) in Trieste and the Municipality of Trieste, within the Memorandum of Understanding "Trieste City of Knowledge".
The event is promoted in over 30 different countries by British Council. In Italy, the competition is organized by Psiquadro-Perugia Science Fest, in collaboration with British Council Italia. FameLab Italia has an initial local stage in 13 Italian cities: Ancona, Bari, Catania, Florence, Foggia, Genoa, L’Aquila, Lecce, Modena, Naples, Pavia, Perugia and Trieste.
For each local competition, two finalists will be selected and will participate in the final national competition in May 2019. The winner of FameLab Italia, together with the participants coming from other countries, will take part in the international competition that will take place in Cheltenham (UK), in June 2019, during the Cheltenham Science Festival.
Famelab 2019 Trieste is one of the events paving the way to ESOF2020 Trieste.
General description of Famelab 2019 Trieste
Requirements to participate in Famelab 2019 Trieste