Forty-one Institutions including universities, polytechnics, high schools and research organizations sign in Turin the birth of the association APEnet, which from now on will work to bring even more research and society. The association "Rete degli atenei e enti di ricerca per il public engagement", or APEnet, was established at the University of Turin, with the membership of SISSA as founding member.
APEnet wants to be a place for communication, study and design of tools and actions, sharing and strengthening the knowledge and skills needed to promote the important cultural change that today sees universities and research institutions as protagonists for an "inclusive growth" through listening, dialogue and collaboration with society.
Apenet continues and strengthens its commitment to promote research on Public Engagement and, in collaboration with the various institutional actors of the Italian research system (such as MUR, CUN, CRUI, ANVUR)to contribute to the monitoring and impact assessment of Public Engagement initiatives. The institutionalisation of Public Engagement, training and recognition of staff commitment, the presence within the degree and doctoral courses are some of the main aims of the Network in close relationship with similar Centres and Associations throughout Europe.
Read the press release (in italian)