The MIT-FVG Project, financed with FVG Region funding, promoting scientific collaborations between MIT faculty and scientists and their counterparts at SISSA, at the University of Udine and at the University of Trieste, has opened its 2020-2021 MISTI's Global Seed Funds call for proposals.
The maximum funding per proposal is $ 23.000 and the call deadline is December 14th 2020. Funding may be used to cover travel and meeting costs to facilitate international projects and collaboration. Funds may not be used to cover salaries or materials.
Applications must be jointly submitted by a PI from MIT and a PI from SISSA. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty qualify as PI's (full, associate professors and RU and RTDb at SISSA).
Applicants must submit their proposals electronically only using the online application portal that can be found on the webpage: MISTI Global Sees Funds. The project must be geared towards achieving one or more of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set out in the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Agenda, with a possible impact in developing countries.
Institutions belonging to the Scientific and Innovation System of the FVG Region (SIS FVG) can participate in the projects, in partnership with the participating university of the region.
For more information: