PHD FOR INNOVATION - Mini-Spring Innovation School
Book your slot to attend the Mini-Spring Innovation School that will take place on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st April at SISSA (room 128-129).
The Mini-Spring Innovation School is a training event open to all students and postdocs as part of the PHD FOR INNOVATION project:
To attend, please register before April 18th 2023 using this form.
Thursday 20th April
The PhD on the labour market with Eva Ratti, Co-founder of Find Your Doctor
09.45 - The doctorate today: the employment situation of doctoral graduates
11.15 - Coffee break
11.30 - Professional outlets for researchers
13.00 - Buffet Lunch
13.45 - The slippery slope of skills and the translation issue
15.15 - Coffee break
15.30 - Job search tools (CV, interview, cover letter, LinkedIn)
17.00 - End of session
Friday 21st April
Kick-off meeting PhD FORINNOVATION
09.00 - Kick-off meeting PhD FOR INNOVATION for registered teams and companies and coaching; mentoring session for all interested students
11.00 - Presentation of the book “Eppur s’innova. Viaggio alla ricerca del modello italiano” and panel discussion on synergies between research and innovation and how PhDs create impact, moderated by the author Luca De Biase