Development, environment, technology, innovation, mathematical calculation, and digital twins are the main themes of the seminar “Matematica Applicata per la sostenibilità: dati, modelli, calcoli, intelligenza artificiale per un mondo più sostenibile” ("Applied Mathematics for sustainability: data, models, calculations, artificial intelligence for a more sustainable world"). The event, which will be held in Italian, will take place on 15 June, 4.30 pm, in the SISSA’s Big Meeting Room (seventh floor).
The event, which is part of the Approdi Festival, is organized by the research group of Prof. Gianluigi Rozza and SISSA mathLab. SISSA is one of the partners of Approdi Festival.
The seminar will focus on technological progress, which can be sustainable only if focused on human and social development. The transformation can be defined as inclusive when the real goal is a change of society intended as improvement and innovation.
Digital twins represent the culmination of this synergy. They integrate models, data and simulations in order to allow development relatively quickly and at affordable costs (and low energy expenditure). In this context, applied mathematics is going through a moment of great interest, with the acquisition of a central role in innovation.
Technology is thus increasingly integrated into society and the effort spent in creating models that are increasingly faithful to reality provides tangible feedback. This is particularly the case when high-performance computing and artificial intelligence are systematized to form complex virtual prototypes, connected to the real counterpart from which they were inspired.
During the seminar, examples of sustainable innovation will be provided at the industrial level but also in the medical and environmental fields.
To participate you must register at the link