The next ICTP SISSA Colloquium will be held by professor Luigi Ambrosio from Scuola Normale Superiore. The seminar, titled "On some variational problems involving functions with bounded Hessian", will take place Wednesday, 12 April, at 16:00 from the Budinich Lecture Hall in the ICTP Campus.
Abstract: In this talk Prof. Ambrosio will illustrate new questions, at the interface between Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory, motivated in a broad sense by the more applied machine learning community. More specifically, he will deal with second-order variational problems in the setting of functions with bounded variation and study the extremal properties of continuous and piecewise affine functions in the unit ball of a suitable energy, used as a regularization term in the applied community. In connection with this, a fine approximation result by piecewise affine function has been investigated. Papers written in collaboration with C.Brena, S.Conti, S.Aziznejad and M.Unser.
Luigi Ambrosio is Full Professor of Mathematical Analysis at Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa since 1997. In 2019 he has been nominated Director of Scuola Normale Superiore. Prof.Ambrosio is a long term visiting scientist in the Max Planck Institute of Leipzig, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the ETH of Zurich, and the Institute Henri Poincaré of Paris. Prior to joining Scuola Normale Superiore, Prof. Ambrosio has been Full Professor at the University of Pisa and at the University of Benevento, both in Italy.