Developing research activities and facilitating technology transfer in the interdisciplinary area of mathematical and numerical models, scientific computing and digital twins. This is the aim of Spoke 9 of the iNEST (Interconnected Northeast Innovation Ecosystem) Consortium, funded by the European Union's Next-GenerationEU programme with the goal of rapidly enhancing and extending the benefits of digital technologies to key specialisation areas in the Northeast.
The kick-off meeting of Spoke 9, which is led by SISSA with the participation of the University of Padua, the University of Trieste, and the National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics (OGS), will be held at SISSA on Friday 17 March from 9.30 a.m.
During the plenary session of the event, the iNEST project and in particular Spoke 9 will be described and input from various stakeholders on the project topics will be gathered. In the afternoon, the meeting will continue with technical roundtables where research and innovation topics, new ideas and methodological approaches for each of the research strands of the Spoke will be discussed in detail: mathematical and numerical models, computational reduction models, machine learning for digital twins and use cases of digital twins (industry, environment, infrastructure, medicine).
Participation in the event is free and open to institutions, research centres and private companies with draft project proposals to submit that are consistent with the thematic areas of the consortium.
Places are limited and it is necessary to register here.
The event will be held in Italian in the first part, while for the thematic tables it will be decided based on the attendees.
9.30 - 12.30 Plenary session with presentation of the iNEST project, Spoke 9 and Rsearch Topics
13.30 - 14.20 Parallel technical roundtables of the Research Topic
- RT1 - Mathematical and numerical models, simulation and scientific computing, Room 133-Ambrosetti, first floor (and zoom)
- RT2 - Computational reduction models + RT3 - Machine learning for digital twins, Big Meeting Room, seventh floor (and zoom)
14.20 - 15.20 Table RT4 - Use cases of digital twins (industry, environment, infrastructure, medicine), Big Meeting Room, seventh floor (and zoom)
15.00 - 15.30 Conclusions and next steps, plenary session, Big Meeting Room, seventh floor (and zoom)