Since the beginning of the epidemic, SISSA has always strived to keep its students and staff safe and prepared and using all the resources at our disposal. Among these, Immuni, the Italian contact tracing app, is a valuable tool that sadly has not been taken up as much as it should have. Every single user increases its overall effectiveness: we strongly recommend you to install Immuni and use it correctly.
You can get it through Google Play on Android or the app store on iOS.
The app aims to notify users at risk of carrying the virus as early as possible—even when they are asymptomatic.
These users can then self-isolate to avoid infecting others. This minimises the spread of the virus, while speeding up a return to normal life for most people.
By being alerted early, users can also contact their general practitioner promptly and lower the risk of serious consequences.
Immuni doesn’t collect any data that could lead to it knowing your identity. For example, it doesn’t ask for (and can’t obtain) your name, date of birth, address, telephone number, or email address. The app doesn’t collect any geolocation data, including GPS data. Your movements aren’t tracked in any shape or form.
All Immuni data stored on your smartphone is encrypted.