“HPC: challenge the present to innovate the future” is the event promoted by SISSA and ICTP 's Master in High Performance Computing, which will take place at SISSA on Friday 15 February 2019 from 2 pm. The event aims to start an open dialogue with regional and national stakeholders in order to analyse HPC new trends and needs and to establish fruitful collaboration in Friuli Venezia Giulia, and beyond.
The first part of the programme, in English, includes the graduation ceremony of MHPC students, the presentation of the best thesis by Alejandra Foggia and a short speech by former student Giangiacomo Sanna who will talk about his post-MHPC experience.
The lectio magistralin will be given by Sauro Succi, Senior Researcher at IIT, Visiting Professor at IACS, Harvard University, and MHPC lecturer,.
In the second part of the event, which will be in Italian, in a HPC Round Table moderated by journalist Gianluca Dotti, HPC future challenges and perspectives will be discussed. The round table participants will be the main stakeholders at a regional and national level of HPC and Big Data. The event is open to the public.
For more information: info@mhpc.it or mhpc@sissa.it