Gianluigi Rozza has just been appointed Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the SMACT competence center of Triveneto. Rozza is Professor of numerical analysis at SISSA, where he is also Director’s Delegate for Research Valorisation, Innovation, and Industrial Cooperation, Head of Mathematics Area and SISSA mathLab’s coordinator.
Founded in 2018, SMACT competence center aims to foster collaborations between research and business for the application of "Industry 4.0" technologies. The office of Chairman of the Supervisory Board lasts three years, from 2022 to 2025.
"The Supervisory Board" Professor Rozza explains "is a restricted body that represents the shareholders' assembly operating in a more agile way, having a reduced number of council members. The Board supervises the implementation of SMACT's development programme, carried out by the Management Board".
Professor Rozza continues: "In its second three years, SMACT competence center of Triveneto for industry 4.0 is about to embark on a new phase. After the launch and creation phase, years of cohesion, development and consolidation await us. The presidency of the supervisory board is in rotation. after the first three years in which the presidency was expressed by Trentino Alto Adige, it was the turn of the members of Friuli Venezia Giulia. Having been part of the management board in the previous three years, the appointment aims to ensure continuity in the governing bodies.
SISSA has thus been recognized for the commitment lavished in SMACT with the Live Demo FVG focused on the digital twin and with the related industrial projects carried out in collaboration with the big companies of the territory - Danieli, Wartsila, Fincantieri, Brovedani, Electrolux - in addition to IP4FVG, Area Science Park and LEF and, of course, the other universities in the region, Trieste and Udine". (image by Unsplah)