The European Researchers Night returns to Trieste again this year, for the first time in one of the most magnificent places in the city: Porto Vecchio. Adults and children will be able to participate in games, shows, workshops, experiments and talk on the many topics on which the research institutions of Trieste work every day.
The main topics will be climate change, sustainable development, the health of our seas and our land. But it will also be about nutrition, neuroscience, investigative techniques, smart cities, stars and planets. Through new formats and participatory activities, the issues will be addressed with the aim of transmitting the state of the research and the concrete hypotheses for the future.
Here the events organized by SISSA:
(How much does an astrophysicist pollute?)
18-18.50 AHI, CHE DOLOR - SHARPER Night (
(Ouch, what a pain)
19-19.50 QUANTUM NE SAI? - SHARPER Night (
(A quantum of knowledge)
(Mathematics to protect the environment)
The full programme is available on
All the events will be in Italian and take place at Magazzino 26 in Porto Vecchio, in the spaces of Immaginario Scientifico and Sala Luttazzi.
A shuttle bus will be available from Piazza Unità d’Italia to Porto Vecchio and back. While travelling you can enjoy listening to science stories from local researchers. Check the timetable here.
A refreshment point will also be available nearby from 4 to 11 pm.
Before September 30 there will be several previews of Sharper Night in various location of the city and in schools.
The European Researchers’ Night is an initiative promoted by the European Commission that every year involves thousands of researchers and institutions in all European countries.
In Trieste the Night is called SHARPER, from the name of the European project. SHARPER Trieste is organized by Immaginario Scientifico, together with the Department of Education and Family Policies of the Municipality of Trieste and the scientific institutions of Trieste Città della Conoscenza.