The role of scientists in political decisions on the pandemic has perhaps highlighted the importance of the dialogue between science and politics in recent years. In the Anglo-Saxon academic world he talks about Science Policy, a discipline that is still immature in our country but of great importance. For this reason, SISSA has decided to set up two scholarships for the best thesis on Science Policy within the framework of the Master in Science Communication "F.Prattico" (MCS).
This year, Fabio Forgione was awarded a thesis examining the relationship between former US President Donald Trump and White House Coronavirus Task Force scientist Anthony Fauci, and Andrea Tavernaro with a thesis that examines as leading experts on the Covid-19 interviewed in Italy have addressed the media exposure.
The scholarships were established thanks to the donation of Mariachiara Tallacchini, professor of Philosophy of Law at Università Cattolica di Piacenza and an expert in science and law and MCS teacher.