Following the approval of the new government decree and the ordinance of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region both promulgated on March 1, 2020, the updates of the Sissa policies aimed at preventing the risk of Coronavirus and protecting individual and community health are communicated below.
Starting from tomorrow, March 3, 2020:
- Access to SISSA is subject to the completion of the self-assessment questionnaire sent last Friday. Those for whom the condition communicated on that occasion has changed, can request the sending of a new questionnaire to the following address: click to show email;
- You are invited to privilege working methods, behaviors and practices that do not involve a plurality of people and that limit, where possible, the presence on site. It is recommended not to crowd public transport.
- It is recommended to follow the instructions of the decalogue of the Ministry of Health to prevent the Sars-Cov-2 epidemic available at the web address:
- The main entrance on floor 0 is the only possible access to SISSA. The one on the second floor will be closed.
- Teaching activities in presence, the organization of conferences, seminars and cultural and aggregating activities are suspended up to 08/03.
- Individual research activity is permitted, also for PhD students. The organization of this activity must be agreed with your supervisor and must privilege working methods, behaviors and practices that limit the presence on site and contact with other people. Teleworking and smart working have to be promoted.
The indications of conduct provided as a result of completing the self-assessment questionnaire regarding attendance at the office must be scrupulously followed. Those who come from an high-risk areas or presume to have got into contact with suspected or ill cases of coronavirus, must notify the Prevention Department as required by current regulations. People with fever and flu symptoms must in any case refrain from coming to SISSA and contact their doctor for diagnosis and prognosis. The decree of the aforementioned Council of Ministers provides for the presentation of the medical certificate for absences of more than five days for the readmission of students, post-professors and teachers, collaborators and in general all non-contractual staff. For technical and administrative staff, the already existing rules relating to absence due to illness remain in force.
- Further information for groups of the population sensitive to a possible risk of contagion, i.e. pregnant women and workers with chronic diseases that involve immunodeficiency, are available on the web page:
Failure to comply with the aforementioned provisions can be assessed for disciplinary purposes.
- The library remains closed. Communications will be given regarding the use of individual library services;
- The use of the bar and canteen will be regulated in such a way as to limit crowding and respect the principles laid down by current rules and practices;
- We emphasize even more firmly to not to open missions and invite guests unless strictly necessary.