New elections on the Area Councils


The elections on the area councils for the two year period 2018/2020 will take place again as follows:

-On Physics Area:

n. 1 representative of the PhD students of the PhD course in Statistical Physics;

n. 1 representative of the PhD students of the PhD course in Theoretical Particle Physics;

n. 1 supplementary representative of the PhD students of the PhD courses;

-On Neuroscience Area:

n. 1 representative of the PhD students of the PhD course in Molecular Biology.


Wednesday 21 March 2018, from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m


room n. 132, first floor, SISSA via Bonomea n. 265

Electoral Commission

Antonella Derin

Riccardo Iancer

Isabella Brumati

Margherita Riggi

Polling Station

Alessio Lerose

Luca Arceci

Abraham Tettey Amatey

Ulisse Bocchero


There isn't any official candidacy

Modulo candidature

Candidacy Form


People who can vote

PhD students of Statistical Physics

PhD students of Theoretical Particle Physics

PhD students of the Phd courses in Physics Area

PhD students of Molecular Biology


People who can be voted

Phd Students in Statisctical Physics

PhD students in Theoretical Particle Physics

PhD students of the PhD courses in Physics Area

PhD Students in Molecular Biology